Blocco 181Narrative
A crime epic on which to organically grow a contemporary love story — call it Romeo & Juliet plus one extra Romeo, or should we say the West Side Story update our “liquid” times needed? In any case, it’s about a big kind of love; so big that it can be shared – as director François Truffaut most notably showed – among three very different people. More or less, this is how Block 181, the first Italian in-house Sky Studios production, was conceived: as a rougunish bet on getting away with an off-kilter crime story and three young leads forming a solid bond — as it were, a “band apart”.
Also, most of the action is set in a previously unseen, in-da-hood side of Milano. And yes, we go back to the less than discreet charm of evil, asking ourselves the questions for which Jorge Luis Borges had the best words: “why do we prefer Hell to Paradise? Don’t we believe in happy endings?”.